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Semen retention has been the topic of discussion in many health and wellness forums and neighborhoods for many years. While some people believe it’s beneficial to men’s well-being, others have a contrary opinion. The proponents of semen retention believe it can boost testosterone levels, increase masculinity, and enhance physical performance for men. But is this true? In this complete guide, we unravel the myths about semen retention and offer advice on healthy ways to boost testosterone levels in the body. So, buckle up, and let’s get to it!
What is Semen Retention?
Wondering what semen retention is? Semen retention is intentionally avoiding ejaculation by shunning sexual encounters or orgasming without ejaculating. The practice of semen retention sounds like it’s out of this world. However, the practice originated in China and has existed for more than two millennia. So, can semen retention boost testosterone? While some studies reveal semen retention can t boost testosterone, others confirm semen retention can actually boost testosterone levels in men. According to these studies, avoiding ejaculation increases testosterone by 45% in under a week. Some popular semen retention techniques include the following:
- Abstinence avoiding all forms of sexual activity.
- Edging involves stimulating oneself to the point of ejaculation but stopping before you jerk off.
- Retrograde Ejaculation involves diverting semen back to the bladder during ejaculation.
Semen Retention Scientific Studies
According to the National Library of Medicine report, only two scientific studies confirm semen retention can increase testosterone levels in men.
Endocrine Response to Masturbation-Induced Orgasm in Healthy Men Following a 3-week Sexual Abstinence
According to this research, Exton et al. studied ten healthy men and discovered abstinence as a technique for semen retention can increase testosterone levels. The study further reveals acute abstinence alters the neuroendocrine response to orgasm but doesn’t cause a significant increase in testosterone levels in men.
Research on the Relationship Between Ejaculation and Serum Testosterone Levels in Men
In this research, Jiang et al. studied 28 men, examining the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone levels. According to the research, testosterone levels increased by 145.7% after seven days of sexual abstinence. However, the levels started dropping significantly after the eighth day. In contrast to these two semen retention scientific studies, many studies confirm semen retention can cause more harm than good. This is according to the National Library of Medicine.
Semen Retention Misconceptions
Semen retention misconceptions come from the influence of religion, cultural beliefs, and some scientific studies. Below, we explain some of the misconceptions about semen retention. So, let’s get to it!
1. Increased Masculinity
The belief that semen retention can increase masculinity is held by certain groups of people, like the alt-right individuals and some Nazis. Their belief is founded on the ideology that semen retention can enhance masculinity and improve strength. In that regard, men should practice semen retention to become more masculine by overcoming the feminine nature. According to these groups of people, the feminine nature is openly sexual and isn t a good thing. Moreover, men from the medieval era believed semen made them stronger. Therefore, these men avoided ejaculating to preserve their strength. On the contrary, the belief that semantic retention increases masculinity and strength doesn’t have scientific grounds. Various studies posit low semen quality from semen retention can negatively affect male fertility. In turn, this can affect males’ masculinity and self-esteem. More research confirms there s no relationship between masculinity and semen quality. Harvard study recommends strength training for men who want to increase their masculinity and physical looks. According to the study, men who lift heavy objects have a high high-quality sperm count of 46%. Their sperm count is 44% higher than that of men who don’t lift heavy objects.
2. Enhanced Physical Performance
While some reports, like Gentside and Dojo Hut, believe semen retention can enhance a male’s physical performance, unfortunately, there isn t adequate empirical research confirming this belief. The belief is founded on the premise that avoiding ejaculation can increase testosterone levels, leading to better athletic performance and an increase in muscle mass and strength. On the contrary, prolonged semen retention may cause a temporal shutdown of their production. To counter the myth further, athletes’ enhanced physical performance can be influenced by other factors like self-esteem, confidence, and level of skill development.
3. Health Benefits
Some individuals believe semen retention has health benefits like reduced stress, improved motivation, improved confidence and self-esteem, better concentration, improved strength, and stamina. Other benefits include better relationships, better moods, and self-control. According to Healthy Male, some reports show semen retention can increase confidence levels, enhance self-control, improve memory, and reduce anxiety. The problem is that there isn’t enough research to back up these claims. According to Sexual Health Q & A, semen retention health benefits are based on individuals’ experiences rather than scientific evidence. While the two studies already covered above show semen retention can increase testosterone levels, this isn’t enough to conclude.
4. Spiritual Growth and Development
Some communities, for example, ancient India, believe semen retention can enhance spiritual growth and development for men. According to these communities, semen retention is associated with the energy of life. Therefore, men who retain their semen are believed to be more masculine, enjoying benefits like good health and spiritual growth. But it doesn’t stop at that. Believe it or not, these men are believed to have developed supernatural powers. However, there’s no scientific evidence supporting these claims.
5. Ejaculation Causes Essential Nutrient and Energy Loss
It s true excessive ejaculation may cause a temporary reduction in energy. However, according to Sexual Health Q&A, this is a normal and healthy body function. It’s, therefore, improper to infer semen retention can cause essential nutrient and energy loss. Overall, there’s no scientific study to confirm this belief.
6. Increased Testosterone Levels
Some evidence, as we’ve already seen, shows semen retention can increase testosterone levels. However, the study samples were small and, therefore, insignificant for statistical inferences. Yes, testosterone levels can fluctuate after an ejaculation. However, there isn’t significant research to confirm semen retention can increase testosterone levels in the body for males.
7. Hair Loss Prevention
Some individuals believe semen retention can prevent hair loss or reverse an existing condition in men. The belief is founded on the premise of semen nutrients like spermidine. However, there’s not enough scientific study to support the claim that semen retention helps with hair loss prevention. Many factors like genetics contribute to hair loss, and arguing that ejaculation can cause hair loss is misinformed.
8. Prostate Health Benefits
According to the Havard report, men who ejaculate regularly (21 times or more) per month are at low risk of prostate cancer by 31%. Though frequent ejaculation can contribute to a healthy prostate, there’s no scientific evidence that semen retention practice can negatively affect prostate health.
9. Increased Attractiveness to Sexual Partners
Some people and organizations, like Jonathan White Lifestyle, claim semen retention preserves vital essence and boosts testosterone levels, increasing attraction and testosterone levels in the body. However, nothing can be further from the truth as there is no scientific evidence to prove this claim.
10. Age is the Cause of Infertility in Senior Men
While it s true that men s testosterone levels decline with age, impacting fertility, age alone isn’t the only reason. Arguing that semen retention can help address fertility issues in older men has no scientific backing. Other factors like chronic illness and adiposity may also be at play.
Lifestyle Factors that Influence Testosterone Levels in Men
Having debunked the myths above about semen retention and testosterone levels, it’s essential to note that while some studies confirm that semen retention can increase testosterone levels, there isn’t enough scientific research to confirm this. Therefore, if your goal is to increase your testosterone levels, there are other lifestyle-associated things you can do to achieve it. How do lifestyle choices influence hormone regulation and overall well-being? You’re probably wondering. Let’s find out!
Strength Training Exercises
Research findings like the Edge confirm men who train often have high testosterone levels compared to their counterparts who don’t. These research findings have confirmed that short rest interval workouts involving multiple muscle groups at medium to high intensity are best for boosting testosterone production. Examples of such exercises include High-Intensity Interval training and strength training.
Weight Loss Exercises
According to Dr. Hotaling, weight loss is one of the main factors influencing testosterone levels. Dr Hotaling recommends losing as little as 15-20 lbs for starters, especially those with tight schedules. While there are many ways to lose weight, exercising is one of the most reliable options. You can engage in simple weight loss exercises for beginners, like aerobics. Start with an easy, beginner-friendly workout and move to more advanced exercises as you gain more experience.
Healthy Eating
Dr. Hosting recommends healthy eating as one way to increase testosterone levels. He advises people to eat nutritious foods that are free of excessive sugar and fat, as too much of them can cause one to gain more weight in the long run. But what healthy foods should one eat? You are probably asking. According to MedicineNet, below are some of the healthy foods one can consume to increase testosterone.
- Spinach is rich in magnesium, which is crucial for testosterone production.
- Oysters are rich in zinc, which is crucial for testosterone production.
- Garlic and onions are rich in diallyl disulfide, a chemical useful in the production of testosterone.
- Brazilian nuts are rich in Selenium, a mineral required for testosterone production.
- Broccoli is rich in indoles, a compound that boosts testosterone production.
- Eggs are rich in dietary cholesterol, which is crucial for testosterone production.
In addition to the above, other healthy foods to include in your diet include fatty fish and tuna, bananas and avocados, red meat, beans, pumpkin seeds, coconut, fortified cereals, cabbage, mushrooms, and sweet potatoes. The list is long, but these are enough to get you started.
Adequate Sleep
According to Baptistheatlh, testosterone levels increase during sleep. What does this mean? Studies show that sleep-deprived men have a low testosterone level. It’s recommended to get at least six hours of quality sleep to increase testosterone levels in the body. In addition to regular exercising, healthy eating, and getting adequate sleep, you also want to avoid alcohol and Propecia. According to Dr. Hotaling, these two can also negatively impact testosterone production in your body.
Effects of Ejaculation Frequency on Testosterone
Is there a relationship between ejaculation frequency and testosterone? Various conflicting studies confirm there’s no apparent connection between ejaculation frequency and testosterone. Some studies show short-term (generally a few days) avoidance of ejaculation can boost testosterone levels. Sadly, the increase is most times short-lived and goes back to normal after an ejaculation. Other studies posit long-term (generally months) abstinence from ejaculation can gradually boost testosterone levels. The downside is that the increase in testosterone levels isn t significant enough. To wrap it up, other studies done by research institutions like Cleveland Clinic confirm frequent ejaculation doesn’t have a significant impact on testosterone levels in the long run. So, what s the bottom line? Whether you abstain or ejaculate frequently, your testosterone levels will remain relatively the same.
Psychological Aspects of Semen Retention
Semen retention is linked to various psychological beliefs that have shaped multiple perspectives over the years. The main psychological aspects of semen retention shaping perspectives on this practice are cultural systems, individual conviction, and sexual desires. Below, we elaborate on these psychological aspects and others.
Cultural Systems
Cultural systems shape people s belief systems. For some cultures like Taoism and Hinduism, semen retention is linked to spirituality. These cultures believe abstaining from ejaculation is one way to connect with the spiritual world and to enhance their spiritual well-being.
Individual Conviction
Some individuals practice semen retention voluntarily out of personal conviction. These groups believe resisting the urge to ejaculate boosts their strength and helps them gain more willpower. This way, they can control their bodies, including different desires.
Sexual Desires
Some people believe engaging in semen retention enhances the sexual experience. According to them, resisting the urge to ejaculate increases sexual arousal and prolongs sexual pleasure.
Potential Risks and Side Effects of Testosterone Supplementation
Testosterone supplements are boosters for increasing testosterone levels in the body. Some of the best peptide testosterone supplements are CJC 1295, Ipamorelin, MK-677, and Gonadorelin. They can be administered through injection, gels, and patches. You can read more in depth information about Ipamorelin / CJC 1295 here and MK-677 here. Though testosterone supplementation can be beneficial for some individuals, it may not work for everyone. That’s why you must be aware of the possible risks and side effects before testing them. Below, we cover some of these risks and side effects of testosterone supplementation to help you make an informed decision.
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Cardiovascular Risks
According to some sources like the National Library of Medicine, testosterone supplementation can increase cardiovascular events risks like heart attacks and strokes. This mainly affects older men (65 years years or older) living with such conditions.
Fluid Retention and Edema
According to a Muscular Development report, testosterone supplementation can cause fluid retention characterized by swelling. Mayo Clinic further reveals testosterone supplementation causes fluid retention in individuals with conditions like lung disease and obesity. People with such conditions are advised to avoid these supplements or seek medical advice from professionals.
Sleep Apnea
A Rise report on testosterone and sleep confirms testosterone supplementation can worsen or cause the development of sleep apnea. Usually, people with severe and unattended conditions are the most affected. Obesity and diabetes conditions have been identified as the primary risk factors, meaning individuals with these conditions are at a higher risk of developing sleep apnea.
Hematologic Effects
The hematological effect is the increase of red blood as a result of testosterone supplementation. An increase in red blood cells may, in turn, increase the risk of blood clotting in the blood vessels, a condition known as thrombosis.
According to a Nova report, testosterone therapy can cause infertility in some men. The supplement can potentially affect spermatogenesis, a process responsible for sperm production in the body. This causes the testes to shrink and lowers sperm count.
Should You Try Semen Retention to Boost Testosterone?
Before considering semen retention, you can test or monitor your testosterone levels at home or by visiting a healthcare facility. If you decide to do it at home, you can use various at-home testing kits. The decision to try semen retention to boost testosterone will depend on your goals. Scientifically, there are limited studies that prove semen retention can increase testosterone levels. Therefore, the safest way to boost testosterone is by eating healthy foods, exercising, getting adequate sleep, and using healthy FDA-approved testosterone-boosting supplements. Consulting a healthcare professional about semen retention and how to boost testosterone will also go a long way. So, what are you waiting for? Purchase FDA-approved testosterone supplements here and boost your testosterone levels risk-free. Use the coupon code Joe15 for 15% off.
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